Improving the uptake of 1HP through Contact Tracing: A Case Study of Saude

Introduction Rahama Girl Child and Women Empowerment Initiative has initiated a program aimed at eradicating Tuberculosis (TB) in the region through effective contact tracing of TB patients in 8 burden LGAs, The organization targets individuals who have been in close contact with active TB patients and encourages them to take the Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy (TPT) 1HP. This case study highlights the efforts made with Saude Abdullahi, a member of the Ummazharia community. Background Tuberculosis remains a significant public health issue in many countries, including Nigeria. RAHAMA implemented a strategy to identify and provide preventive treatment to individuals who may be at risk of developing TB through contact with known patients. The aim is to reduce the incidence of TB within the community significantly. Case Description Index Patient Identification: Saude Abdullahi was identified as a contact of a confirmed TB patient in the Ummazharia community. She was contacted b...