Improving the uptake of 1HP through Contact Tracing: A Case Study of Saude


Rahama Girl Child and Women Empowerment Initiative has initiated a program aimed at eradicating Tuberculosis (TB) in the region through effective contact tracing of TB patients in  8 burden LGAs, The organization targets individuals who have been in close contact with active TB patients and encourages them to take the Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy (TPT) 1HP. This case study highlights the efforts made with Saude Abdullahi, a member of the Ummazharia community.


Tuberculosis remains a significant public health issue in many countries, including Nigeria. RAHAMA implemented a strategy to identify and provide preventive treatment to individuals who may be at risk of developing TB through contact with known patients. The aim is to reduce the incidence of TB within the community significantly.

Case Description

Index Patient Identification:

Saude Abdullahi was identified as a contact of a confirmed TB patient in the Ummazharia community. She was contacted by the RAHAMA outreach team for follow-up and assessment.

Communication and Invitation

On 25th October, 2024. the outreach team contacted Saude Abdullahi via her phone number from one of the Referral cards collected  in the facility to inform her about the urgent visit to her house which will not consumed much of her time for enquiry, and also the important of visiting which is needed for preventive therapy and the benefits of TPT in stopping the transmission of TB.

Health assessment

Upon sensitization in the community and invitation, Saude visited a Health Care center (facility) in the community  which collaborated with RAHAMA and the state. During the session training, she was educated about TB, and then referred to the nearest Health Care center   for screening. The screening  for TB test was conducted by the Dot officer in the facility which emphasized a negative result, and then placed her on 1HP (TPT).

TPT Uptake:

Saude Abdullahi willingly agreed to take the 1HP TPT. She received a prescription and RAHAMA team members continued to attend regular follow-up sessions to monitor his health and adherence to the medication.

Follow-up and Outcomes

After starting TPT, follow-up visits were conducted by the RAHAMA team to assess Saude adherence to the therapy and any side effects experienced. The following observations were recorded:

Adherence:Saude maintained a high level of adherence to the medication regimen, acknowledging the importance of preventing TB.

Health Status: she reported significant side effects stating that her urine color has changed and she was experiencing bodily discomfort. However, the RAHAMA team assured her these were normal side effects, indicating that the medication had begun  and advised her to continue her medication without hesitation and also reassure her of the preventive measures being taken to protect herself and the community.

Community Engagement: Saude Abdullahi became an advocate for TB awareness in Ummazharia, actively encouraging others to seek TPT if they are contacts of TB patients. 


The intervention by RAHAMA in contacting individuals like Saude Abdullahi demonstrates the effectiveness of contact tracing in TB prevention. By promoting the uptake of TPT, the organization is making strides toward reducing TB transmission in Ummazharia community, and also in the 8 Burden LGAs of Kano State as a whole, Continuous follow-up and community engagement are crucial for the sustainability of these efforts in controlling TB.

Furthermore, this case study serves as a model for evaluating the success of contact tracing and preventive therapy interventions in communities affected by TB.


1.Expand Outreach: Increase community education on TB and TPT to reach more individuals potentially at risk.

2.Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly assess the effectiveness of TPT programs and the impact on TB incidence in the community.

3.Engage Community Leaders: Involve local leaders in the fight against TB to foster trust and encourage participation in preventive measures.

Be like Saude and take your TPT when eligible!!!


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