International Day of Sickle Cell Disease


June 19th every year is set aside to raise awareness on Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), an inherited blood disorder in which red blood cells becomes sickle and hardened. These sickle-shaped cells cause blockages in your blood flow, which can lead to anemia, pain, infections and severe complications.

Those with sickle cell trait are people that have the hemoglobin 'S' gene inherited from only one parent. Their other parent gave them a normal gene, these are the people with the "AS" genotype. Usually, sickle cell trait carriers do not exhibit any sickle cell disease symptoms. Still, more investigation might reveal that these individuals are exhibiting symptoms. Their own offspring may inherit the defective gene from them.

Sickle cell disease symptoms include:

  • Frequent pain episodes.
  • Anemia, causing fatigue, paleness and weakness.
  • Jaundice (yellowing of their skin and the whites of their eyes).
  • Painful swelling of their hands and feet.

You can’t prevent sickle cell disease because it’s a genetic condition, therefore KNOW YOUR GENOTYPE and save your family.


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