

 “Every year, TB claims more than 1.5 million lives and disproportionately affects people in the most vulnerable communities, also known as at-risk population, prevent yourself with 1hp drug 


 Evidence indicates that shorter treatments to prevent TB like 1HP is just as good at stopping the disease from getting worse as the treatments we use now.

What is 1HP?

 1HPis a short-course TB preventive therapy regimen that combines two TB drugs—isoniazid and rifapentine— once a day for 28 days. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of 1HP for people living with HIV and adult contacts (>15 years) of TB cases.

What is Tuberculosis?


What is TPT?

Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment or Therapy (TPT) is a combination of one or two drugs for the prevention of Tuberculosis among household contacts and at risk population. #EndTB #EndTBNow #Rahama #Rahamaatwork

High Level Advocacy to the Kano State Commissioner of Health

We conducted a High Level Advocacy Meeting to the Honorable Commissioner of Health in Kano State today. This meeting was an avenue for us to solicit his support and collaboration of the Ministry in all current and upcoming projects including the #1HP . As a Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT), our mission is to raise awareness to improve the demand of 1HP in high burden LGAs. Alongside the 1HP Project, we solicit for his support and guidance on other health related interventions currently implemented by Rahama Girl Child And Women Empowerment Initiative such as the Sickle Cell Disease, Maternal and Child Health and Sexual and Reproductive Health Projects. We thank the Honorable Commissioner and his Directors for making the time.

Stakeholder Engagement Meeting - 1HP

We held a stakeholder engagement meeting with the Kano State TB Coordinator.  This stakeholder meeting was an avenue for us to discuss and engage the state on the various activities around Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment (TPT) specifically 1HP and how we can support the process. #1HP#TPT#kano