
International Women's Day

  Happy International Women's Day to every woman out there striving to make it, the housewives, working women, young women and mothers. We see you, we are proud of you and we celebrate you everyday. #IWD23 #IWD

Women In Science

 WOMEN IN SCIENCE!!! #womeninscience #WomenInScienceDay

Community Gender Based Violence Advocates

We visited Bechi to train 15 Women to serve as GBV Community Advocates. They will support their community in raising awareness, encouraging reporting, destigmatization of all forms of GBV, providing support and providing accurate information to their fellow community members.  #gbvadvocates #gbvawareness

Happy New Year 2023

 May 2023 Bring To Us Peace,Love, Happiness, Success, Hope & Togetherness. Wishing you all a Happy New Year!!! 🎊 #2023calendar

16days of Activism

 Rahama Girl Child And Women Empowerment Initiative joined the men, women and youths of Zangon Borkono settlement of Garko LGA in Kano to discuss GBV, the different forms, reporting mechanisms and the support available for GBV survivors. #16DaysOfActivism #16DaysofActivism2022 #16DaysOfActivismAgainstGBV

16 Days of Activism

 Stand against sexual and physical violence against all persons now and again. #16days #16daysofactivism

Men's Day

 Happy International Men's Day to all the good men out there, we are rooting for you!!!. #MensDay #MensDay2022