By Aisha Linatu Abdulrahman Over the last few weeks starting from the #JusticeForJibril, we have seen an incessant reports of child abuse in Northern Nigeria. Numerous Children, Youths and Adults have been reportedly locked by Parents and Guardians for a period of time under the guise of either drug abuse, lack of parental concern and for Jibril was because his mother was dead. I wonder as a community how that all went down and none of the community members could actually do anything about it before it escalated. The hausa community typically live together with children freely going to neighbors to play, Adults randomly checking in or coming in to ask for as little as a spice and to some extent even eating together. I wonder with that type of community that practically lived together, where were they when a child like Jibril was chained for 2 years in an animal shed feeding on their faeces and physically deformed? But when i look at it, i say to myself "for a community that endor...