
World Contraception Day

September 26th is World Contraception Day, A day set aside to help raise awareness on contraception and make sure that every pregnancy is wanted. As more and more Girls/Women are becoming aware of contraceptives and using them; this is to more informed communities and to no FP stigmatization!!!

Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Campaign

 The Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Campaign was a success...Thanks to His Royal Highness, the Emir of Kano represented by Dan Majen Kano and Yariman Kano for giving us the audience to discuss the best way to eradicate SCD. And thank you to everyone that came out to help raise awareness on SCD. Thank you all!!!

SCD Awareness 2020

 Sickle Cell is a genetic disorder in which there are no enough red blood cells to carry oxygen through out the body. Thousands of Children and Adults die yearly due to SCD. The best form of treatment is a Stem Cell Transplant, otherwise called Bone Marrow Transplant for Children and Teenagers. Do you know testing for genotype among couples can eradicate SCD? #knowyourgenotype #SCDAwareness2020 

Africa Wild Polio Free

 Africa is wild polio free. A big milestone for Nigeria having accounted for more than half of global cases less than 10 years ago and been the last to be declared free from wild polio in Africa. It is important we note that, Africa is not entirely Polio free as there is a vaccine-derived polio caused by the very vaccine used to fight the virus. The oral vaccine used in Africa is cheap and contains weakened version of the polio virus and due to poor hygiene, it then sometimes mutate inside the intestine of the vaccined child. Africa has recorded 177 of such cases. #EndPolio

Child Abuse and Rape

By Aisha Linatu Abdulrahman Over the last few weeks starting from the #JusticeForJibril, we have seen an incessant reports of child abuse in Northern Nigeria. Numerous Children, Youths and Adults have been reportedly locked by Parents and Guardians for a period of time under the guise of either drug abuse, lack of parental concern and for Jibril was because his mother was dead.  I wonder as a community how that all went down and none of the community members could actually do anything about it before it escalated. The hausa community typically live together with children freely going to neighbors to play, Adults randomly checking in or coming in to ask for as little as a spice and to some extent even eating together. I wonder with that type of community that practically lived together, where were they when a child like Jibril was chained for 2 years in an animal shed feeding on their faeces and physically deformed? But when i look at it, i say to myself "for a community that endor...

Humanitarian Day 2020

 On this day, this is a dedication to all our partners; from donors, community leaders, liason officers, individuals, CSOs and other CBOs to volunteers and beneficiaries who all strive to make the world a better place. Happy #HumanitarianDay !!!

World Youth Day 2020

 Today on #WorldYouthDay2020, we are reiterating our commitment to continue empowering and mentoring Youths across States in Nigeria. #YouthDay2020 #WorldYouthDay2020